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Dear Friends of Railway Philately !
The "Internationale Motivgruppe Eisenbahnwesen" e.V. was founded in 1963 
Today, it includes approximately 700 members in Europe and overseas countries, and enjoys continuing membership growth.
Members are interested primarily in stamps, cancellations and postal stationery which reflect the railway theme.
Although operating on an international basis, this thematic collecting group is a member also of the BDPh (Bund deutscher Philatelisten e.V.)
The "Internationale Motivgruppe Eisenbahnwesen" e.V. is especially interested in attracting young people to the hobby (Link to "Bund der Deutschen Philatelisten Jugend" DPhJ), and aims additionally for a deepening of professional & specialist collecting with regard to the following main points:
1. Improvement of international co-operation
2. Investigation and documentation of  the railway theme on stamps
3. Publication of  specialist articles
4. Listing all railway thematic stamps
5. Promotion of  stamp exchange for members and others interested.
6.  Procurement of news in various countries (Austria, Germany, Netherlands)
7. Promotion of " turn around trading"         
8. Help for preparing for an  exhibition 
9. Establish an  library and archive
For more information about Internationale Motivgruppe Eisenbahnwesen e.V. membership and activities, please contact us or send an e-mail  to the webmaster.
Additional philatelic organizations and railway thematic specialities you find under  Links
   New railway thematic stamps just arrived at the webmaster